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Old 10-12-2012, 04:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
also races Sportbikes!!!
SpeedyCorky's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Bay Area, California
Posts: 88

Mo' Mon-nay! - '00 Honda Civic HX
90 day: 52.26 mpg (US)

Carbon Silver - '06 Honda Insight
90 day: 82.2 mpg (US)
Thanks: 11
Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts
I have an HX, and after driving around with a UltraGauge, and MPGuino for a few months now, I think having both is very important as the Ultra can tell you what the engine is doing (lean burn, temperatures, codes, etc); and the MPGuino can tell you perfectly accurate fuel consumption.

If i could only have one, i'd honestly say that i'd go wit the MPGuino. it tell you fuel consumption, AND speed. knowing your "exact" speed, or rather, if you are accelerating slightly, or decelerating slight - is KEY to maintaining a good MPG throttle foot. the MPGuino tells you your MPH to the XXX.XX.
2000 Honda Civic HX with mild aero mods

2006 Honda Insight
MIMA, FAS, no passenger sideview mirror, race style drivers mirror, front and rear underbody aero, temporary front air dam
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