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Old 10-12-2012, 10:04 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
What's a "real job", in your opinion?

If a person can meet their needs and save a bit by working less than 40 hours a week, why should they work more? (Unless they enjoy what they do, of course.)

Why should anyone expect the technical skills they learned in school, decades ago, to still be in demand now? I sure don't expect to get paid much for writing FORTRAN IV programs and punching them into card decks. My experience with CDC and DEC machines is not in any great demand, either.

Or in another field, would you be much good as an auto mechanic today if you only knew carburetors and ignition points?
Anything under 32hrs is not fully employed and would be represented by a fraction, historic REAL workforce participation was higher (by hours worked) that is the only metric that reall makes any sense. Because by other standards my mother who sometimes only works 3 hours a week would be considered "fully employed" the normal participation metric.

The issue with college is NEW graduates are not able to apply the skills they got recently, not with people who graduated in 1972
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