Originally Posted by jamesqf
It's also about possibility. I don't think you are going to strategically pack 8-foot 2x4s or sheets of plywood into a Honda Insight. I know you are not going to get said Honda Insight into some of the places I go with the truck (and I have been known to ford creeks on dirt roads in mine). So having two vehicles means the one I do most travel in can be very efficient - not hauling around extra seats, bodywork, and trunk space for the few occasions when I might need them.
As for the rest, well, I AM the buddy people borrow the truck from, and have you priced a good, heavy-duty trailer lately? Used Toyota 4x4s can be had for less.
Your truck usage sounds much like mine. We are very much outside of the norm on truck usage.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.
Last edited by bestclimb; 10-14-2012 at 12:03 AM..
Reason: grammatical error.