Originally Posted by serialk11r
That's a lot of E85! Just for kicks I decided to add 1.3 gallons of E85 to the 9.2 gallons of 87 (we only have E10 in California)
Not really, I have run up to 60% e85 in the past and that was on a 98 buick. The cobalt seems to have no issue with any ethanol blend but it does kick the MPGs down a lot if I am more than 30% ish.
Normally I don't mess with E85 anyway because its not $0.99 a gallon anymore like it was 7 years ago. Thus not worthwhile but with gas prices higher than normal I thought about testing the $3.499 e85 with non-e10 87 octane gas (most of the stations aren't selling it again, blast!)
Anyway this was mainly to test the fuel economy and performance aspects, I don't get the hop I normally get during cold starts but other than that performance seems similar (to the butt o meter) and FE per the lie o meter is within the margin of error but I definitely notice poor fuel economy during start up and better than expected once warm. So for cold weather in town = bad, highway = good