Originally Posted by Antigrav01
Im assuming no spots should be underneath a car whatsoever, no matter how small. If yes, then yeah I probably need something to do with my oil fixed. Sensor, pump, hose, whatever. Ill check into it soon. Engine temperature stays rather cool, so I doubt its the coolant. But yeah, 2000neon, I think I was turning right. It didnt immediately turn off, but it didnt last long.
None of my brakes drag (that I know off), but the rear ones arent tight at all. Basically if my front brakes ever malfunction while im driving, im screwed.
Actually now that I think about it, ive been having this sort of mpg every since I got the car and the oil level was perfect then. Gahh, friggen oil and timing belts. Id go electric if they could match the same range and power...and price. Im kind of eager to get everything checked over soon to see if simple maintenance was the problem. I suppose I could go ahead and do it early... And if it is a wearing out timing belt, thats something I need fixed immediately. What should I look for in terms of wear and tear in a timing belt that might not be obvious? I dont have any experience doing this  .
Gealii, do you mean just replacing the exhaust system? Because I was going to do that anyway for performance and aesthetic reasons. Not any time soon though.
EDIT: I just went outside to check the oil level and its right on the max line, though I remember it being a little higher last time I checked before. Its also getting a tad brown. I also have an MSD ignition coil. I dont know when that was installed. I know I didnt do it. Not that I forgot to mention it before, I figure I might as well now since I was just under the hood.
Timing belts will show small cracks around the teeth of the belt. BUT.. Just have it changed. Its expensive, but at the same time, its cheap insurance. If the belt breaks, it smashes most of your valves. At least 4 of them. This repair is much more expensive.
Have an alignment done. Older cars tend to start sagging in the spring department. This tends to change camber and toe in/out, causing drag.
Have your oxygen sensors checked. If these start going bad, they tend to fail rich, = more fuel.. less mileage.
Make sure your thermostat is working properly. The new style T-stat fails open, causing the engine to run cool throwing off the fuel mixture.
Tune up.. plugs, wires, and air filter if you haven't already.
Use a quality fuel injector cleaner such as Techron. This will do wonders if the injectors are dirty.
Seafoam.. Only pour it in the tank and in the oil. NEVER suck it in the engine via a vacuum line. It could pool up and get sucked in the engine and hydralock it.
A thinner weight oil will help a little too.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!