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Old 06-10-2008, 08:46 PM   #8 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Location: Southen West Virginia
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Metro XFi - '93 Geo Metro XFi Convertible
90 day: 62.17 mpg (US)

DR650SE - '07 Suzuki DR650SE
90 day: 55.26 mpg (US)
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It doesnt fit my car, the door it came off of is now part of a 93 car so the latches were different. It is just sitting in a huge pile of parts I plan on getting rid of once I get my project done. The only other 91 I have is also a parts car and can't be made legal so it has no need to get fixed up.

I slowly collected a huge pile of metro parts but now most of them don't fit or are not required on my new car so I really have no use for most of it. I mainly plan on keeping a spare set of body panels and drivetrain and get rid of pretty much everything else.

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