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Old 10-19-2012, 02:21 AM   #18 (permalink)
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COP[ coefficient of performance], SEER,[seasonal energy efficiency rating] or EER[energy efficiency rating] ratings?
a Trane whole house heat pump Xl 16i . the energy star tag on it says the SEER is 17.0 , HSPF[heating seasonal performance factor] 8.5, other information i got [required to file for the gov. rebate]

indicates SEER 16.5, EER 12.5 ,COP 3.7 , HSPF 9

i would have to study a whole lot for any of that to have meaning to me .
something i understand better is that this unit has a scroll compressor that is set up to work as a 2 stage unit, when the demand is low it functions l as if it were 2/3 the size it is, releasing the compressed working fluid part way up the compression. thus using less energy .. i have a 4 ton unit , so on low demand it works like it was a 2.6 ton unit , then when demand is higher it ramps up. ..
likewise the air handler is a multi speed unit , some times the outside unit is operating at 2/3 and the air is just slightly sighing out of the vents, then as demand increases so does the outside unit and the CFM on the air handler increases , when its ramped up all the way the air fairly whistles out the vents. i have the info on the CFM somewhere in the document pack.
i think all the major manf. have similar units for efficiency.
costs more than a single stage . the one i wanted was a xl20i . it has 2 discrete compressors , a big one and a little one , when demand is low the little one runs , when high the big one , shucks maybe even both idk. however it cost even more . what i really wanted was a geothermal but the costs on those are outofsight. .
i replaced a 20 year old single stage 3.5 ton that failed to keep up with demand , it cooled the air pretty good[ showed 68F air out of the vents but did not move enough air. on the hottest days it would not keep up.
i have seen a considerable decrease in the power bill and stay cool , not to mention state and federal gov. gave me a substantial taX Credit , too bad it was just a 2 year program , this year i would have installed light pipes to illuminate the dark rooms with daylight vice running electric lights .

hope this helps
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