Originally Posted by UFO
Older engines like the low pressure Mercedes do ok, better if the VO fuel is heated. Newer engines like my VW need a thin fuel like biodiesel to run properly, but the OPs car has been know to do just fine on straight VO.
i would recommend older merc/vw cars and ford/dodge trucks to run on VO
its extremely difficult getting new cars to run on it though
the new Mercedes Bluetec doesnt even recommend biodiesel!
Originally Posted by mattbatson
I really had no idea!
that is huge, in that you do not have spend the 70 cents or dollar or so for each gallon of WVO that you process into biodiesel
Not too mention the cost of building an appleseed or other biodiesel processor.
All you have to do is collect the WVO and then filter it and then pour it in your tank?
that is amazing, and I'm already looking on craigslist for an old mercedes diesel
Back when I was thinking about running bio or SVO I came to the conclusion that it was too expensive and too much trouble (chemicals and processing of bio and SVO is as expensive as diesel)
but this changes everything....
weather/temperature and quality of oil has EVERYTHING to do with it
the warmer the oil the better
the clearer the oil the better