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Old 06-10-2008, 10:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Longtime Lurker Looking for Miles ZX40 Electric Micro van mods & information

Hi, I have finally decided to register here as my father is getting a Miles ZX40 (the original slow 2005 model)

Anyway the dealer that sold it was saying that some have been able to remove the governor and get speeds up to 45mph.

I don't believe that but I do think 30-35 would be possible and would eliminate the unwanted police attention as our town is now fighting to make it difficult to drive NEVs if they don't go the posted speed limit. (Local boneheads causing irritation due to ignorance of the law)

I have been searching for information on the Miles but can only find
that it has a Curtis 1204 controller and 5hp motor and little REAL technical information on the vehicle like I find for most others.

Can anyone here direct me to some info on how to remove the governor or at least the specific type of motor and components? I would like to find out if anyone else has done anything creative with one of these heavy steel NEVs.

The Miles is still sitting in CA until the rear seats come in so I won't get to see it in the flesh for several weeks, maybe a month

So I hope to get my plans set in the meantime, I figure drive it stock a while to get a feel, then test a few minor mods, I do not plan on updating the motor/controller for a long time but that may change (especially the wimpy 275amp controller). Not sure how reliable or temperature resistant the motor in this is either, would like to find out how resistant the motor is to slightly higher than stock voltages.

In terms of my vehicles I currently drive a little Yellow 1981 Comutacar, don't go on the highway much anymore due to sticky Ebrake but it is all I drive during the week, got a little over 3200 EV miles last year right through the winter. Working on getting a Bedini to test for pulsing will see how this homebrew 1 ampper goes once I get all the parts together and humming.

Thanx for any information

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