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Old 10-25-2012, 02:31 AM   #17 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Posts: 612

Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 240
Thanked 114 Times in 90 Posts
So I had to deliver another trailer today, and was bummed that it would probably lower my mpg for the current tank. Sure enough, by the time I got it un-hitched, I had only tipped over 23 mpg momentarily per the ScanGauge, but then dropped back below it. Tried all the "tricks" I knew to "hypermile" back home, but had to go into a headwind, and ended up losing a little bit of my "tank average" by the time I was parked again.

But in trying to maximize mpg, I wanted to keep my mirrors "folded in". Trouble is, this particular trailer completely blocks the view through my inside rearview mirror. Thus, I was motivated to check the local auto parts place & see what I could do for convex mirrors I could put INSIDE, but still get a view back. Ended up buying an "el-cheapo" version for $2.99 and putting it on the passenger's side. But the folded-in stock mirror blocked part of the view, leaving me with just a "sliver" of visibility to the back & side.

Think I'll spring for another $2.99 and install a second one on the driver's side, though. Being closer to my eyes, I think I should get a somewhat wider field of view from that one. I noticed that when coming up behind someone going even slower than I am (not exactly sure how that's possible), that the standard glancing at my mirror and simultaneously moving into the next lane to go around doesn't work so well when the mirror's folded-in and I've got no field of view!! Then I'm forced to "convert gasoline into brake pad dust", as someone else so aptly posted on here somewhere.
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