Originally Posted by HydroJim
Call me twisted...but I'm pretty happy that gas prices have skyrocketed in California. Even if it's only temporary, maybe it will help open people's eyes
Really? 'Big oil' wishes more people had your attitude. It's nothing short of Big Oil price gouging out here. You should be outraged. Big oil won't re-invest one single penny of those record profits into renewable energy or anything you care about. Other than make a couple 'feel good' TV commercials and token wetlands restorations, that is.
I agree as a nation we must slow down, conserve resources, look for alternatives to foreign oil (and all the Geo-political drama that comes with foreign oil). I can afford fuel for my commute, but what about my unemployed neighbor? Trying to feed his family while looking for work, driving longer distances for temporary work?
Here's what's wrong with your line of thinking: As fuel prices rise, so goes the cost of just about everything. Like most of this country, we don't have a very good public transportation system infrastructural. Liberal California seems to be the corporate proving ground for things like price gouging, our citizens are almost sheep-like in accepting those type of practices, and just pay the price.
Celebrating increased fuel prices 'because I'm in school to help solve the problem' is not only self serving, but just plain wrong. That's like a med student hoping we never find a cure for cancer, or a police officer in training hoping for a rampant crime wave, so officers will be in more demand.
I wouldn't believe anyone would want to cut off their nose, to spike their face, yet here it is, in black and white
I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'd just like you (first 2 posters) to reconsider your positions.