Just brought my "new" Yamaha XF50 scooter home!!! Mother-in-law (to be) wanted to "get rid of it" when her husband died about a month ago... So I'm trading her help around the house for it. I'm really excited!! I hear 100 mpg is not difficult with one of these!!
You may be a hypermiler/ecomodder if: When driving your new scooter home at 30-something mph, and noticing the brisk breeze chilling your legs, etc, your thoughts are:
1) Wonder how easy/hard it will be to make a kick-ass fairing/aero-shell that will both keep the wind off AND improve the aero drag to where I can get well over 100 - maybe even 150 - mpg routinely. and,
2) Wonder if there's a better "max mpg speed", like 25 - - or 20, even.
3) Really wish I could hook up a ScanGauge to find out!!