my car looks similar, and i've also wondered how to improve the area, but i'm also leaning towards the defuser theory. Maybe not even a defuser but rather a simple crude duct that leads the air that enters the wheelwell out under the car. however viewn from below it does looks pretty bad.
if i an correct in my assumption air passes trough the duct than building a clean duct in there that can deal with the same volume of air would be an improvement, you could fair over the big hole in the bottom and just leave an opening for the air to exit
.Without a central spine,the panels would only work at zero-yaw angles,as in any crosswind condition, there would be no inter-connecting structure to contain the flow and prevent bleed-out.
wouldn't this actually be a benefit? as the fairings intention is to direct air that goes front to back around a projection, however when the airflow comes in at an angle the original ideal solid fairing will sudenly become an obstruction to the air and ads frontal (or rather side) area to the profile, however with separate dams depending on the angle there will be less to no aditional frontal area and airflow will pass trough the fairing.
Their leading edges would require enough radius so as to allow flow separation,and each trailing panel would also require proper radius
could you please explain what you mean be "enough radius"? i was thinking of a series flat dams like this