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Old 10-29-2012, 02:30 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gasoline Fumes View Post
I plan on doing more testing, maybe the whole car. I'll tuft the area you mentioned. I need to make a camera boom or involve a second car. But with Hurricane Sandy on the way, it might be a few days before I can do it.

What is the BMW air curtain?

Anybody know how to see tufts on the front end of the car without the camera car affecting airflow? Is a one lane offset enough?
Do a search on this website for BMW air curtain--I posted a linky several days ago. Basically uses ram air from the nose, routed via duct to leading edge of front wheel arch and vented via slot--makes a jet of air which counters and screens the turbulence thrown off by the front tire. Next time you're driving on the freeway in the rain, look at other vehicles for the mist cloud in that area, where the tire throws off air which smacks into the air whipping around the side of the car, big draggy. Air curtain counters/isolates this, less draggy.

If you have a laptop computer, could use a lipstick camera out on a broomstick for videos, secured by duct tape, to film the tuft tests at speed. Otherwise, maybe rig up some sorta mount using suction cups from Harbor Freight @ ~$3, applied to sheet metal on hood or doors.
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