Originally Posted by Sven7
I drove past about 20 "Slower Traffic Keep Right" signs accompanied by passing lanes in the U.P. yesterday.
And I was actually the one passing everyone else. At a 55mph speed limit no one was doing 60! Must be a yooper thing.
I've thought about having a flip-up sign for the rear window that would say "PASS ME". You'd hinge it on the rear cargo shelf. Pulling a string, it would appear in the window and they would hopefully read it.
Another thing. If you're on a two lane road where people want to pass, MOVE TO THE RIGHT so they can plan their passes. Yesterday I was behind a truck that was riding the center line and since I couldn't see any of the oncoming traffic, I couldn't pass.
In a post earlier, I was referencing them, I think some of the side highways in the L.P. have them as well.
The LED sign shouldn't be super hard to do, but for a plug and play setup, it wouldn't be that easy I don't think.