Got this from another forum-
Originally Posted by JohnRM
I've had this problem before. Have you tried listening for the fuel pump (it's like a little humming noise)? I've always waited for this to end and it usually takes likes three seconds. Sometimes I don't hear it engage and what I do is try to start it and turn it all the way off, then start to listen again for it. I know this is a weird way to diagnose the problem but I've successfully done this multiple times whenever its happened
My reply was-
Originally Posted by gijoe985
I had someone else suggest that. Today I tried only key starting it. I thought I was in the clear, doing it about 5-8 times on the way to work, but then it would not start. I turned the key all the way off, pause, then on, pause, and then it started fine...
Now, what is creating it? Is it a "problem" or is it just me turning the key off and then on too quickly perhaps...
So, I'll keep you guys posted. I always like following up on my posts for people in the future who may have the same problem...