Originally Posted by mackerel
Of course I'm also looking for the definition of "basic maintenance" when it comes to a mid 80's EFI engine with lots of vacuum lines [...] ; what do I look over first?
I'll spare you the "change fluids/filter/plugs" lecture :P
I would say from personal experience, look at pretty much every vacuum line and check that both ends are secure, and there are no holes. My grandpa got a hand-me-down 80's Toyota pickup from my uncle and that thing leaked like crazy. We finally took out a rag with Armor-all and wiped down each hose after it passed inspection. That way we knew which to replace.
The nice thing is, most of the hoses were one of three sizes, so you can get some extra tubing and go to town with hose clamps.
Anyway good luck, hope the new truck serves you well.