The issues with shopping while on the commute are there, but that's where online shopping comes in. Where your parcels share gas and delivery costs with dozens of other parcels heading out your way.
Look at it this way. If you can't carry home that extra 41" TV, maybe you don't need it right this very instant. I certainly don't drive out every day of the week looking to bring home a wild boar slung over my shoulder to stock up for the winter.
I like driving myself as much as the next person, but I think automated cars would be an excellent idea on the highway. Have trains of cars tailgating each other with millimetric precision, saving gallons of gas per trip. Perhaps manifacturers should look into returning to the days of 5 mph steel bumpers, so we can even bump draft each other on the way.
At the very least, computers are more attentive than the mindless drones that weave and wander down the highway nowadays... I'd rathee trust my life to a radar-guided cruise missile than one powered by beer and text messaging.