Originally Posted by Shawn D.
Where the heck did I say "all Muslims are bad"? I didn't say it, didn't imply it, and don't think it, so don't place that on me and make me appear xenophobic.
sorry i didnt intend to imply that you think muslims are bad, i assumed that you do not, i have never liked the term "islamic terrorism" because it has been used to make people think that it somehow involves all muslims. remember when 9/11 happened and people instantly became prejudice towards muslims? i do.
Originally Posted by Shawn D.
I have to ask: do you really need to add America-hating to every point you make? Seriously, that's very frustrating, and I'm not even a "love America or leave it" type of person.
im sorry if it comes off as America-Hating, I love this country and fought for it when I was in the army. but part of loving something without being blind is knowing that everything that we have blamed other countries or systems for has happened here at one point or another and and no matter where the issues have happened its all because people are greedy and only interested in improving either ones self or a select few, and we are all guilty of that.