Originally Posted by some_other_dave
The other way around--you will coast farther, so to get back to coasting the same distance you have to start coasting at a lower speed.
Make sense?
Yes. I went back and read it again. More efficient at coast-down = start sooner.
I trust a bump start at highway speeds is pretty reliable (I don't do Pulse & Glide unless I'm about to run out of gas).
I could probably reliably switch off at long lights. This car doesn't have the hot start problem the last one had.
Christ -- I figure if the key's off, it's in neutral. Maybe when I get into the Coast range. Another reason to get a boat-tail.
For most of my driving, it's compression braking when I first see the light [change] to drop just enough speed to where I can coast, clutch in and key on, until I'm rolling up on the last car at the light just as it pulls away. It always feels good when that plan comes together.