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Old 11-05-2012, 12:45 AM   #12 (permalink)
Frank Lee
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Not gonna pass judgement on Chad's situation at that time but now seems to be a good time to say:

1) It appears many people think that if it's cold out and you shut the engine off, the interior cools down to ambient temperature with the same speed as the time it takes for the engine to come to a stop. Well it doesn't... at least if you keep the windows and doors shut. Vice versa for a/c in the summer.

2) People- especially kids- should be dressed for conditions. That way 15 minutes of exposure to ambient temps (not to mention windchill) doesn't result in immediate death. Heck, proper dress and a person may not even experience discomfort. As one who has gone through many a severe MN winter in VW Microbusses/Bugs/and Corvairs with essentially no heat at all (including surviving infancy and childhood in those things too) I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of at least using a lap blanket (like they did in the horseless carriage days).

3) Block heaters = good.

4) Get Mom to throw 25% of her income into the pot. Fair's fair.

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