No music about 30% of the time, rest of the time local rock station. Need to get a carputer setup someday and get more of the "older" music that I'm more into. The latest stuff is too much like hiphop/rap (no offence), I'm 24 and don't like new music, I must be weird

System of a down/Serj Tankian
Lighter 90s rock, tool, etc
I don't mind Jazz and more classical music, only listen to them when the station I listen to has a game going on or sometimes when they are on the "oldies" (70-80s rock) and are playing off bands I never heard of.
The radio helps me stay awake/alert due to my 3rd shift job + long hours / weeks.
I think the music probably does effect my mpg, faster music I catch myself speeding up slightly instead of maintaining speed.