Originally Posted by AndrewJ
Sounds like Missouri.
Here in California they have a slightly different variation.
50 means go 57 (even as you pass the regional CHP headquarters)
65 means go 70 if you're in a sedan, coupe, minivan or small truck
65 means go 80+ if you're in a 3/4+ ton diesel truck, a Hybrid or a VW bus
65 means go 55 if you're 
Yep, pretty much sounds like Missouri.
Here In IL, the law is,
If it says, ex.55, 60, 40, 45. you can go 5 over without getting pulled over. Once you hit MO, you can go 10-20mph over, even faster if you have a police scrambler and radar detector. Go as fast as Possible without getting shot in East St. Louis, and when the speed limit says 70, go 85 to prevent getting smashed in the rear from a honda going 95. Autobahn Courtesy rules apply