Thread: The Scrapcento
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Old 11-06-2012, 03:26 PM   #47 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 62

scrapcento - '99 fiat seicento
90 day: 30.15 mpg (US)

fokus - '08 Ford Focus
90 day: 31.15 mpg (US)

tdm - '95 Yamaha TDM 850
90 day: 27.72 mpg (US)

vespa - '04 Piaggio Vespa ET4
90 day: 57.6 mpg (US)

PCX - '10 Honda PCX
90 day: 78.33 mpg (US)

avensis - '13 Toyota Avensis
90 day: 39.77 mpg (US)
Thanks: 52
Thanked 17 Times in 8 Posts
Back to the 'cento... In the past 2-3 weeks or so I've done about 500m (yes, meters) with it: from parking spot to the mechanic, back to parking spot, then back to mechanic. Hope to get it back working tomorrow. Good thing I walk to work

I went with Andrzej's advice and removed unnecessary stuff from the trunk, most notably the spare wheel (replaced it with the spray sealant and now hoping for the best). I'm not expecting this to show in the fuel logs, as the temperatures have fallen significantly since my last fill-up (which was back in September!). On the plus side, I already switched to winter tires, which are quite slim (145 vs 165).

Also, I've decided not to go the DRL route, at least until my driving patterns change. I thought about where and when I usually drive, and came to the conclusion that for the 90% of cases it's after dusk, so DRL's potential gains could not be realised in a reasonable timeframe.

The Scrapcento thread
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