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Old 12-29-2007, 01:43 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rifraf View Post
basjoos, I have two questions about your design,

1:Fairing behind muffler - Any worries of Carbon Monoxide getting inside the cabin, or a fire started from the heat off the muffler?

2: Hand Accelorator - I'm new to the group, so I don't know if it helps or is it just a personal preference?
The exhaust exits straight through a hole on the back side of the fairing, so there is no trapping of exhaust gasses inside the fairing. Also the aluminum sheet making up the fairing is mounted on the underside of the aluminum sheet making the underside of the boattail, so there is no air connection between the air space inside the fairing and the air space inside the boattail. There is a 1" air gap between the back of the muffler and the front of the fairing to allow for movements of the exhaust system, which allow for cooling and also aluminum isn't known for its great flammability.

MetroMPG answered much of my reasoning for the hand accelerator (fine tuning of the throttle position, particularly useful for good FE at the lower speeds when your throttle position is just running just slightly above idle). Also, unlike normal cruise controllers, the hand throttle is a DWL (driving with load) cruise controller, not a constant speed cruise controller.

The hand accelerator is set up the same as the one on my John Deere tractor (the hand control sets a lower throttle position that can be overidden by pressing on the foot accelerator. The hand throttle only goes from zero to slightly above half throttle and I have trained my reflexes to automatically pull back on the hand throttle whenever I push down the clutch pedal. On the rare occasions when I do forget to pull back on the hand throttle when I push down the clutch, the engine just revs up and reminds me I need to pull back on the hand throttle.
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