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Old 11-12-2012, 01:26 AM   #18 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by mechman600 View Post
Ewww....2-stroke? Are you allowed to say that on this forum?
Not every 2-stroke is evil, and with some developments such as direct injection they can still be more efficient and less pollutant than a comparable 4-stroke, and remain lighter and more compact.

The hub motor may be the answer. It frees up a LOT of space. But there are no hub motors (at least in the DIY market) large enough.
EnerTrac makes one for a motorcycle with a continuous rating of 10kW/30kW peak, but unfortunately it is meant for a motorcycle so it is spoked with a motorcycle rim.
It could possible be retrofitted for automotive use, but that's beyond my capabilities.
Unless someone knows of a readily available hub motor, that idea is moot.
With 40kw/120kw there might be enought power to a compact car, (even a Prius ). There are better ones, such as those from Protean Electric (70kw each if I remember correctly), but then it's big money. Anyway, you would need a controller for the hub-motors...
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