Originally Posted by redpoint5
I would be embarrassed to attach my name to this poorly argued article. No proof of claims were included, and it relied entirely on appeal to emotion. Putting quotes around "experts" is intended to make me disbelieve the credibility of people that aren't even named.
Then it tries to appeal to my sense of entitlement, which is the lowest of roads to travel. I have "the right to know"? Do I have the right to know if crops weren't told words of affirmation and handled with a loving touch? It would be easy for me to claim that crops that aren't brought up in a loving environment end up causing disease to people that eat them, but I would have no basis for credibility without evidence to support that claim.
What we are talking about is causing a known harm to companies by forcing them to comply with a certain type of labeling, all for the sake of some unknown and unseen "badness", to which there is no evidence.
I have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; not to products displaying a list of everything it does and does not contain. That would be impractical.
Lastly, who are the "powers that be"? This article has all the earmarks of an alarmist conspiracy theory since it suggests we should be alarmed and mad as hell about some unknown bad thing that some unknown bad people have forced upon us.
That guy, and likely Jonas Salk as well. 
I don't disagree with this in it's entirety, but I do feel that it's in our best interests to know what's in our food.
Also, part of our liberty (as a right) is having the ability to make informed decisions as they pertain to our health and life choices, whether or not those "informed" decisions are based on nonsense. That said, since we're not growing our own food, I feel that we're right and well within our natural rights to ask that it be disclosed whether or not our food is someone else's science experiment.
Personally, I'd rather eat natural food. But then again, I generally buy my fresh foods from local farms anyway, and all you have to do is ask.
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