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Old 11-12-2012, 10:44 PM   #12 (permalink)
Your car looks ridiculous
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Northern California
Posts: 96

The Fantastic Festiva - '90 Ford Festiva L
90 day: 43.16 mpg (US)

A Civic Duty - '96 Honda Civic LX
90 day: 34.9 mpg (US)

Ranger Danger - '96 Ford Ranger XL
90 day: 17.42 mpg (US)
Thanks: 23
Thanked 5 Times in 4 Posts
Trip 1 - No Air Dam or Grill Block (not on purpose) - 28.26

Previous Trip - With Snow Plow Air Dam - 37.62mpg

I just went 28.26mpg, 9.36mpg less than my previous of 37.62mpg. Can someone explain this?

This is with a removed air dam and 0% lower grill block! And the two removed dummy caps on the lower bumper as well! That also means slower warm-up times in this cold winter weather!

9.36mpg less than with the air dam, running basically the exact same route! I filled at the exact same pump too. Perhaps it is something with the air dam and the cold engine. Maybe driving or something else. But most likely not.

I removed the air dam after testing it and getting 37.62mpg, because it was a hideous cardboard template meant just for testing. I'm working on making a permanent coroplast one. So this reading would just be for curiosity's sake, or for knowing a more un-modified mpg reading.

Though surprisingly low. Maybe I underestimate the impact of a grill block or a front air dam. No different driving really, I've driven that route many times before. Maybe it's something else. Thoughts?

Trip 2 - New Shark Nose Air Dam, New Kammback, New Wiper Deflector - 35mpg

The Hideous Shark Nose Air Dam

Oh, just for the laughs I've given myself over this cardboard hammerhead shark head has been worth it. And the laughs I have given children on the street.

This time it was with a very poorly-made, shark nose, pointed air dam, instead of the flat snow plow air dam which covers more of the bottom. This shark nose air dam leaves the bottom of the car very open and vulnerable, and I have no belly pan, which was recommended by a fellow eco-modder.

This time I had more cars behind me so less coasting, and it was night with my headlights on. Not as much engine off at red lights this time.

35mpg with the shark nose, new kammback, and new wiper deflector.

Definitely better than the 28.26mpg without the air dam or grill block, but not as good as the 37.62mpg with the snow plow air dam. I project a better reading than 37.62mpg with the old snow plow air dam back on, hopefully 39+!, with the new kammback and wiper deflector.

Two other new mods:
-Cardboard beta testing sedan kammback!
-Cardboard beta testing windshield wiper deflector! (Thinking of doing the under the hood version of this)

I'm going to keep those two mods, remove the shark nose air dam, and re-install the snow plow air dam and test that. I'm definitely leaning towards the snow plow air dam now, now only for better mileage, but for less hideousness as well.

As always, any tips, comments, or suggestions? Or laughter, I deserve laughter as well.
Attached Thumbnails
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