time to fully enclose my bike
This decision was pretty much made for me. I was working on smoothing out my current fairing so that it could be made into something a little more proffesional looking, when two things happened. the tail section got dropped, and subsequently the paint I had been using to seal up the plaster began peeling off, and the plaster also started flaking off. I have since realized that it would be futile to attempt to fix my current tail without peeling off all the plaster and starting over with something better, so...
The new plan is to make an entirely new plug out of styrofoam, incorporating some features that wouldn't work on the old fairing. I will be using the technique I used to make the fiberglass parts of the old fairing. A styrofoam plug covered in aluminum foil for a mold release. this time I hope to make the fairing 24" wide which should be wide enough to fully enclose the bike and rider. I also hope to convert the bike to 100% fan cooled. this should eliminate the need for cooling ducts and scoops. thirdly I am looking into lowering the seat as far as possible and going feet forward if at all possible.
I figured this should probably get it's own thread, since it's a completely new project.