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Old 06-12-2008, 01:09 AM   #77 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Location: Davenport,FL
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Pepper - '87 Mercedes Benz 300D
90 day: 30.42 mpg (US)
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air fuel ratio? might be hard in an Indirect Injection engine since the fuel is mixed post turbo in the prechamber(in the head)...

sigh... yet another pitfall of owning a mechanical injection car... gotta make sacrafices..

I did have an idea though. What if you could monitor injection pulses to the injectors (which is how the injection pump can be timed) and set up an equation that would output the mpg...

like... pulses at idle and the variable would be your IP rev's which are half that of the engines rpm... all you need to know is the amount being injected at all rpm's for the equation, monitor the injector pulses and wing it on the fuel return.

my 1985 300D turbo, which is the oddball year, has an EGR computer. I have no idea what it does since I removed the EGR from my car .. man it gunked up the intake and valves.
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