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Old 11-15-2012, 07:49 PM   #59 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Canton CT
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Well My little 98 Escort is pretty slippery compared to the Ranger, i truly believe i could park the ranger on a hill and the Aero drag would keep it there, up in Northern Ct i could go about 75 downhill but they all have 45 speed limits and turns on the bottom, it doesnt pay to coast if i use up the brakes , i was thinking an expert on here would have some ideas, and the roof thing sounds cool, Hey how about an electric trunk lift, Clean out the trunk and slow down all at the same time, I could use some kind of actuator , lots of new cars have em , LOL , quick way to drop your kids off at school . my little escort has high miles so the hypermiling lifestyle fits it and me, i remember my Dad in the sixties driving me places and he was so good you could hardly ever tell when the car was slowing or going faster, guess that's because he didnt like working on the brakes or the engine, and he was a great mechanic, on the slippery side of things, my car is a sedan 4 door , any ideas for the back of the car , how about one of those mid window spoilers like the Merkur had.
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