Just went out and checked the car and pulled the tape off the seams and the blue is setting up nicely. The metal flake is starting to show up. If you want to see the exact color just look at a bag of snyders potato chips and imagine that blue with metal flake
I would love to find some stiffer springs than the ones i have on it but I put the stiffest ones I had that were off a 97 metro. I figure cutting them down will make them stiffer so it might actually handle like a real car this time instead of feeling like a go-kart with the car sitting on the bump stops all the time like the old xfi was. But then again I like a nice feel and would rather have a stiff ride that has just a small amount of oversteer than pretty much all the mushy feeling understeering stuff that is factory on most cars. And anyone thinking of cutting their springs, don't use a torch to cut them it will make them sag over time from the heat damage. Use a chop saw or cut off wheel and be careful of putting a lot of heat into the spring. I always keep touching the spring about a half coil away and if it gets to hot to touch then quit for a few minutes and let it cool down. They will work great that way and don't sag from heat damage.
The rear would be trivial to convert to standard coil over springs the way it is set up now but I didn't know someone made a coil over conversion for a strut front suspension

I would probably get it if it would fit the car and let me go to to a stiffer spring than the factory ones. I will have to search around and see what all is made.