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Old 11-16-2012, 11:55 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UltArc View Post
My mind is blown on the thought of driving without insurance. I am pretty good at controlling my car. I am not very good at controlling the car in front of me, next to me, or behind me, or the deer I can't see in the bushes, or the child behind a van, or the black ice in front of the stop sign.

I do not know of any laws that are very dangerous. Not having insurance and driving is absolutely dangerous.
60+yrs ago insurance was in many areas considered insideous and unnecessary. Immoral even. Few people owned it and few people needed it, affairs were taken care of the hard and old fashioned way.

Insurance like utilities should either be heavily regulated or government owned, it is afterall a tax,

I don't much care paying taxes to private for profit entities, who claim to operate for the better good, especially after having to deal with them.

In your mentioned cases the child dies, family gets a death benefit of $3500.
Car hits a deer, insurance pays half what is needed to replace the car.
You slide through black ice, your at fault, you loose your car and have to pay $500, insurance company fights defendants for 10 years so they give up.

Given what I & my family has had to give for insurance and what we have gotten from having insurance I can see absolutely no reason for it to exist in its current form, since it rarely pays out but always takes.

In my family the reasons for having insurance (at least what I've been told) have occured and insurance would not cover regardless.
Also if you are unable to work your health insurance from work usually will expire after the first missed premium.

Pretty useless entities.

If we believe all should pay to make a pool for the greater good we should perhaps remove the profit aspect and put an uncaring, indifferent but objective entity in charge of such a system with no profit or personal benefit to gain from the venture.

Ah well, no utopia here.
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