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Old 11-17-2012, 11:57 PM   #89 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Originally Posted by RobertISaar View Post
yeah..... i may be in the minority on this forum, but i'm more interested in being able to tweak the controller to my purposes.... namely converting a FWD vehicle to what is basically AWD and adding a nice bump of torque. the MPG benefit is just a bonus.
I've played around with this idea in my head for a light RWD car though (it's really the same thing), the best method of control I could come up with is a hand "throttle" on the left side of the steering column that you pull with the left hand, and regen activated by brake pedal (my brake pedal has a few mm of play that could be taken advantage of for that, though admittedly the brake light turns on with surprisingly little brake force).

One neat feature that would be easy to integrate into this is a primitive electric motor torque vectoring. Say you have one motor for each side, then you use 2 controllers, and a single paddle throttle that is spring loaded at 2 attachment points connected to the "throttles". If your steering wheel is turned to the right in a right turn, then your left hand will be at a higher position, and pulling the paddle would result in a greater input to the controller for the left motor, and thus more torque to the left wheel. To get full output from both motors you pull at the center.
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