This post is about a year old

I do still own several camrys, so I can probably post some photos + total miles. The 382k one is starting to rust from sitting near a swampy area of the property

. A 1990 grand am sat in the same area for a few years and was rusted out so bad it had to be scrapped lol.
If you want to see photos of my daily driver, view the link in my sig for my corolla. The photos are fairly old, but are pretty accurate to it's current state.
My dad was hypermiling his 97 camry with no scan gauge and around 50% city and 50% country driving. He was getting around 32-35 with no actual mods besides max sidewall presure in the tires. He drove ~48mph in the country, and ~58mph on the express way, and in town he does EOCing when possible/safe. I drove my mom's 97 camry once to work with the scan gauge... WORLD of difference compaired to my camry, the thing is such a gas hog lol. I think I pulled something like 30mpg out of it

vs my corolla getting ~42mpg at the time with the same route.