I have stopped reading Suspects posts like this. Its just fear mongering from extreemists.
When the IPCC shows the contribution for CO2 with feedbacks and then compairs it to solar forcing without feedback, then even their estimate for the change in solar forcing is lower than NASA has estimated it at (IPCC < .25 w/m^2, calculations I did based off of NASA papers I get about 0.33 w/m^2). They do admit to reducing their estimate of solar forcing.
Now when you compair a forcing with feedbacks, to a forcing without feedbacks even though those feedbacks should be applied to both is bad science. Taking data from computer models and saying that is good reliable data is bad science. Ignoring facts that don't support your theories is bad science.
I am not saying that the IPCC necessarily practices bad science as a whole, because they do quite a bit of good science. They acnowledge that there are other factors and that they do not understand much of the science concerned with the global climate.
Their are other reasons to try to be more efficient, there are more things in the exhaust. There are hazards involved with petrolium, and its refining. Oil is a finite, (though not as finite as many try to make it seem) resource.
In short relax, the world is not comming to an end, just try to live your life as best as practical. People will not be able to be perfect, but if they always try to strive to improve in a resonable matter then we will be able to thrive and do better by the environment.
Figure 2.20 - AR4 WGI Chapter 2: Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing
The IPCC will be finishing their next report next year.