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Old 11-20-2012, 11:50 PM   #166 (permalink)
B.O. Zen
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 208

Pickup - '99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Regular Cab, Short Bed
90 day: 34.62 mpg (US)
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Alright, here are some results from last night's work. I had started the other day by pouring resin in the middle of the front of the passenger side panel. Last night I worked resin in around the edges of the front and around the back. Had to just use my rubber gloves to work most of the stuff on the back because it was odd shapes and folds and kinds of messy. All of the surfaces that are visible from outside the truck came out pretty clean.

I found a better way to drape the fabric over the driver side panel so that I don't need to make any cuts, except at the corners to cut down on bulk on the back. It's amazing how much this twill weave can be contoured around weird stuff:

And the resin hardened in the middle of the second panel:

I think that the mix ratio wasn't as bad as I had thought on the first panel. Once the second batch was applied to the rest of the fabric around the edges and onto the back, the middle tightened right up (didn't add any additional resin to the middle). I think that, maybe, having tension on the fabric from getting it wrapped all the way around took some of the give that I was feeling out of the middle of the big smooth front surface.
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The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to a8ksh4 For This Useful Post:
aerohead (11-21-2012), bespurcell (11-10-2014), bryson (11-21-2012), KamperBob (11-21-2012), NeilBlanchard (11-30-2012), slowmover (11-22-2012)