Originally Posted by jime57
According to Hucho's text reference to the research of Buchhein, et. al., the over hood venting is far and away better than any other venting. It is widely used on race cars, but isn't very practical for street cars, since it dumps lots of hot air right into the climate control intake at the windshield base.
Also dumps rain water onto the engine through the hood vents, the main reason I decided not to go with it. Also any exhaust leaks, hot oil smells, etc. from the engine compartment would be fed straight into your cabin air intake vents.
The paneling under my engine compartment keeps road water/dirt from entering the compartment, so I didn't want the engine to be getting wet from above by cutting vents into the hood. The only way water can enter my engine compartment is through the radiator and the adjustable opening radiator openings in the nose of the aerocivic catches most of the water entering through these openings before it gets to the radiator so my engine remains dry even when driving in wet weather.