Not that is doesn't have any effect. As I understand it there are several variables in play here. Having reduced the amount of air going through the radiator and engine compartment, a good thing and in theory reduces drag. But the question is now where is that air going around the sides under the car or over it and what effect is it having. While it is the common practice to block the upper grill first that really depend on the car. There has been some discussion that some upper grills on certain cars stair step the air over. Also some discussion that in hot areas in stop and go traffic that less total opening the higher up the opening, the theory being the air temp was lower further from the road surface.
So, it is not straight forward. In general look at what other have done with your model, specifically any that have done testing. Testing was needed to determine what benefit the change has. But if the front damage was as bad as you described it, you probably didn't hurt it. Hate seeing front end parts flapping in the breeze. Then there is always revision 1, 2, 3.