Originally Posted by Alternatively Sane Max
Why is hydrogen better than petrol? Much lower RON and you have essentially removed some of the stored chemical energy (covalent bonds) before it reaches the combustion chamber.
Disclaimer. I only half know what i am talking about just a guy trying to figure it out.
The reason we want to introduce hydrogen into our fuel mix is for multiple reasons. But the most important ones are its diffusivity, extended flammability limit and reactivity. Also, its' much more rapid flame front than most hydrocarbon fuels is of advantage.
Hydrogen's RON is listed at 130+ by several sources.
The energy in covalent bonds is not lost in the production of syn-gas as CO carries that energy.
The net energy from the fuel exiting the process is greater than that which entered not by any magic, but by the simple fact that there is more fuel mass due to the reaction of water driven by heat.
But, I am not proposing to run the vehicle engine totally on syn-gas, but to augment the combustion of current engines with hydrogen in specific drive regimes.
Feel free to follow along with the thought process and throw in when you can with applicable information and questions.