My cardboard got all soggy in the rain & started to fall apart, so I had to remove it. So I decided to remove all of my temporary ecomods (except the roof rack delete), fold the mirrors back out to the "normal" position, and run a few tests at different speeds again. Wow - that hurt!!!
At 35 mph, the MPG dropped all the way to 25.2 (compared to 30.6-31.3 "modded")
40 mph was still my best MPG speed, but down to 27.3 (compared to 31.75-32.25 "modded")
45 mph was 26 MPG, down from 30.6-31.3 "modded"
50 mph was 25.75 MPG, down from 29.5 "modded"
and 55 mph was 23.9 MPG, down from 27.6 to 28.3 "modded".
Guess it's a 4 MPG drop across the board. Wow, it didn't seem like I was gaining that much at the time, bit by bit, but take it all off at once, and .... WOW!!!