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Old 11-25-2012, 10:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
Think you can save the carbs or will it just be easier to replace them?
There was varnish inside the float bowls and the jets were completely plugged, but some carb cleaner dissolved the varnish pretty easily. We soaked the jets in carb cleaner, but the passages are so small that it wouldn't completely clear them (typical). I've found that 1 strand of regular copper stranded electrical works well to run through the jets and all of the tiny cross-drilled holes to clean them out without damaging the jet.

We got it back together without much problem (it was easier than I thought it would be, judging from some "how-to" articles I've seen) and it fired right up. That's about it for now. We changed the oil, filled the tank with fresh gas and stabilizer, and got it pretty much set for storage.

The battery is junk (we jumped it with another small 12V battery to get it running) and he'll probably wait until closer to spring to buy a new one.

He really lucked out on this one!

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