Thread: Octane Question
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Old 11-28-2012, 08:03 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Thumbs down not digging E10

Me personally i had been using Casey's E10 because it was cheaper than the regular stuff. Since then I switched to Shell 87 because it claims to have more detergents to clean the engine better, but costs a few cents more. Wow a noticeable difference in mileage is what I was seeing in distance. Of course the persons running the cash register cannot give you any information on what additives they put in 91 octane to make it better than 87. My little car is great on gas, but going from around 32mpg to 40 just by switching fuel types, even with this car it was bitten by the hypermiling bug. I am always running late to work since I open the doors in the morning, this time I filled up all the way with the Shell lowest grade and a bottle of Amsoil fuel injector cleaner that boasts up to 5.75% better fuel mileage over 4000 miles. Since I put about 60 on the car a day it shouldn't take long to see results. But it is 20 in the morning and 50-55 degrees in the hours I would drive home. I know that temperature is a factor in the winter for economy, but I was trying to come up with a way to introduce warmer air into the airbox that feeds the engine. Since my 1993 ford festiva has a Vane Airflow Meter, any cold air kit or something like that is a real pain to get around. I figured I could run a pipe off of the exhaust, or some kind of engine coolant driven coil that would send ambient temperatures in to the airbox, to trick it into thinking its warmer outside. I have already converted it to Amsoil Signature Series 25000 mile oil, so I cannot wait to share my findings, at least before I convert this car to Smart car wheelbase, or the Peel P-50 size of car. Alot of my customers get the cheapest ethanol based fuel and complain of runnability issues in the cold mornings, unsure of this fuel's water content, but BE ADVISED, ethanol fuels are bad for small engines, mowers, weed eaters, I had a terrible experience this summer with that gasoline and dumped almost every tank because it just wouldn't start. I neglected to mention that I started driving 55 only on the highway. I will tell you there is a big difference between 55 and 75 when you live 25 miles from work. It definitely seems like you are going in slow motion.
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Last edited by rattroddrebel; 11-28-2012 at 08:06 AM.. Reason: forgot the point I was trying to make
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