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Old 11-29-2012, 10:01 PM   #177 (permalink)
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There have been NINE investigations of the hacked emails, and ALL of them concluded that none of the science was compromised.

What I want to know is whether the email hacking itself was a crime; and if it is related to the phone hacking scandal?

The solar increase is very recent (related to the upswing of the sunspot cycle?) but the minimum we just came through was extremely low and even with that, we saw a temperature increase.

I'm sure that the complex modeling they are doing includes the output of the sun; and everything else that it should, as well. I mean really - we now have the sun very closely and directly monitored - would they make such an obvious mistake, and get away with it?

As I posted earlier, the NOAA chart says specifically that the data shown for 2012 is preliminary. Here is the original source page (I found it via < on Facebook):

You should Google Dr. Richard Alley and watch his Congressional testimony. He explains a lot of things very well, and he counters the Cato Institute's man, point for point. Cato Institute is largely funded by the Koch brothers, and probably other big oil interests, so they are the folks with the suspicious bias, and a very strong financial interest to protect.

Have you heard of the GRACE satellites? They can measure the thickness of ice on places like Greenland with amazing accuracy - 1000X better than previously. We now can know how much ice is being lost on Greenland and Antarctica.

We are now able to date when glaciers melted in the distant past; by analyzing the minerals in the surfaces of rocks to find out how long they have been exposed.
Sincerely, Neil

Last edited by NeilBlanchard; 11-29-2012 at 10:35 PM..