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Old 12-01-2012, 09:12 AM   #15 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: mn
Posts: 237

Vader - '15 Dodge Grand Caravan
90 day: 23.13 mpg (US)

Cmax - '13 Ford Cmax SEL
90 day: 40.92 mpg (US)
Thanks: 10
Thanked 19 Times in 16 Posts
Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CHAOS View Post
You know, not everybody that drives one of those tanks is a soccer mom with one kid who wouldn't know how to put a hitch into the reciever to save their life. For some (though admittedly not most) those vehicles serve a purpose that no 4cyl car or hybrid can accomplish. Some people have large families. Some people tow regularly. Some people have to carry a LOT of crap for work travel. There are a number of valid reasons for driving a Suburban. Also, 400k+ on one vehicle (even a suburban) is still better environmental-wise than buying a new hybrid or eco-minded car every 3-5years. It takes a LOT of resources to build a car.

Maybe you could climb down off your high eco-horse and broaden your perspective a little; stop judging before you know any of the circumstances.
He's not on an eco high horse. To interpret his post that way is certainly not warranted or necessary.

I'm one of those that needs a vehicle to haul half a dozen people, tow a trailer, haul lots of gear, etc, once in a while, not everyday but sometimes. For me I purchased a nice little "eco" car (for less than 2 grand btw) from another board member here to use as my daily driver. Although I admire and respect the mpgs that a Prius, Insite or other hybrid gets, they typically are currently out of my affordability range. I bought my daily because it will get up to 50 mpg which saves me money, and lots of it over time, in fuel costs. For the occasional time I need to fire up the v8 powered 12 mpg people hauler/trailer towing beast, I can handle that from an economic standpoint. But to use my big beast eveyday with just me in it back and forth to work, I feel I'd be wasting hundreds in fuel per month. But thats just me.

Keep in mind that although most here want to squeeze the most efficiency out of their machines, many sometimes enjoy utilizing automobiles in a way that isn't the most efficient or eco-minded manner but that usually takes place on a deserted roadway or racetrack
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