Also, 400k+ on one vehicle (even a suburban) is still better environmental-wise than buying a new hybrid or eco-minded car every 3-5years. It takes a LOT of resources to build a car.
%&¤/"%"¤"%"&"!!!!! (I swear i will pop the throbbing vane on my temple some day!)
That might resemble valid reasoning if (and only if!) people took their 3-5 y.o. cars to the junk yard! They don't, they sell them on the used market, and the cars get typicaly over a decade more of use.

2016: 128.75L for 1875.00km => 6.87L/100km (34.3MPG US)
2017: 209.14L for 4244.00km => 4.93L/100km (47.7MPG US)