Heh!!! You guys are cracking me up!!
Well, here's a bonehead manuever I just made: It's still stormy weather here, right? Rained all day yesterday, wind blowing this morning and through mid-day, and the weather forecast saying there was another storm out in the Pacific that would be hitting sometime this weekend. Right?
OK, so with all that knowledge, "Mr. Genius" here decided to go see if I could "A-B-A" test my mileage with & without windshield wipers. (I'll bet you can tell where this is headed already, huh?) Yup, you're right!!! I went out & did a series of 3 "out & back" runs for my "A" average, then stopped & took my wiper blades off & headed out again. I swear that within a half a mile, drops started appearing on my windshield!!! Well, I'm not gonna be intimidated easily, so I soldier-on. And of course, the rain got heavier. Before long, the streams of water are streaking up & over the windshield, etc, etc.
So - test aborted, wipers re-installed, and - oh, yeah - the rain stopped. !#$%^&*?!!
So there may be an alternate way to get your grass seed watered, Mech!!! (or maybe idiots just shouldn't try to do "no wiper tests" during stormy weather. HAH!!!!
Oh, by the way, I DID put some leaves under my wiper blades & they were moving around. Not furiously, but moving, so I'm not too sure if I learned anything from that or not.