With the rainy season well under way in the Bay Area, I'm starting to get extremely frustrated at the amount of fogging I am getting on the windshield. One thing I heard before was using detergent on the windshield to get the water droplets to disperse, but I did this and I just got a really wet glaze on the windshield that was pretty much just as bad.
Today I went to get some drinks and junk food from Safeway and I couldn't even wipe the windshield clear with paper towels, and had to resort to turning the air conditioning on for a few minutes while parked (wasting a precious 0.02 gallons of fuel) :/
Turning up the fan works but not immediately. With the fan on though (even without air conditioning on) condensation forms on the outside of the window, although this isn't a problem since I can just have the wipers turned on.
Does anyone know of any effective anti fog measures? I suppose this is one of the good points of open cockpit track day cars and motorcycles heh.