Vetter Streamliner Kit
My page was down this morning but all seems good now.
Here is the story on the aluminum. It turned out to be virtually impossible to make a flat, un-twisted aluminum nose structure that allowed the skin to wrap properly.
By extending the fiberglass nose about 20" we don't have to mess with the aluminum at all. Believe me, as simple as the aluminum looked... it is not worth the trouble when a 20" longer fiberglass nose does it all.
It is looking like some people are interested in the nose only. OK with me. If there is not enough interest to justify me extending the nose tooling 20", I would be happy to make the existing nose parts available. The mold is not perfect. But it worked for me and Alan. You can make it work for you, too.
Lets continue to watch the reaction. We have until Christmas to decide what to do.