Originally Posted by wmjinman
Thanks WesternStarSCR,
I'm really starting to wonder if this test will just be a huge waste of time, gas & money. But I guess I'm committed to it, now.
Well, anyway, I'll soldier-on with the test. Actually, that kind of driving might really raise my lifetime MPG averages!! Whoa - and if the Amsoil works.....
Wmjinman: if I were you I would go with the TC W 3 2 stroke oil if you want to test. Easy and cheap, caveat is measure carefully and shake before pouring. Look at prophecy99 posts above, and the one that references the testing started on the LS1 forums in 2008.
I am going to join the ranks of 1 oz. per 5 gallons like a lot of other folks.
Whoever starts a thread, I will follow.
This mod almost ranks on being so cheap and already researched so much on so many forums that an MPG gain is bonus, it's use as a UCL and to help against E10 issues being the main reason it caught on.